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Paragraphs, Headings & Lists

Level 2 Heading (H2)

Level 3 Heading (H3)

Level 4 Heading (H4)

Level 5 Heading (H5)
Level 6 Heading (H6)

Highlight Paragraph – This paragraph is a little bigger, and breathier if you want to highlight something of break up long chunks of text, adding class=“highlight” to any <p> tag creates this style. Etiam auctor lacus elit, id pulvinar velit imperdiet id. Etiam aliquam turpis in libero varius, ut congue tortor gra

Regular Paragraph – This is the standard paragraph , hasellus fringilla nisi eu nisl malesuada faucibus. Etiam auctor lacus elit, id pulvinar velit imperdiet id. Etiam aliquam turpis in libero varius, ut congue tortor gra

NOTE: Any heading appearing dark green will be styled in dark maroon on a FitNation page, but you can also individually set a custom color for any text you like

Above is an example of an <hr> or separator/divider element and below is a standard unordred list (<ul>) element as well as an ordred list element (<ol>). First the unordered list:

Now my ordered list element:

  1. Item 1 that’s first
  2. My Second Item
  3. 3rd and Final Item is a Link this Time

Grouped Content

The two most popular ways to group text content will be Columns and Accordions and below is an example of each:

I like to use a 2/3 (left) and 1/3 (right) split for columns a lot because you can put a nice accent image on the right side of the text and then the columns will just stack as you’d expect on mobile or use the Document Image Block or PDF List block which are nice accents in the slightly smaller right-hand column. You can also use the GPD Button(s) block inside of a column

And here’s an accordion example, accordions used on FitNation pages will have their accent color automatically adjusted to FitNation’s maroon:

First Accordion Item (Set to be OPEN on Page Load)

You can set any accordion objects to be open or closed on page load

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non accumsan nulla, eu iaculis lorem. Phasellus gravida pretium ex, fringilla malesuada urna placerat at. Sed erat purus, commodo ut sollicitudin ut, cursus non augue. Proin rhoncus placerat libero a ornare. Vivamus tristique convallis ultrices. Nulla est orci, 

  • Some list items
  • could go here
  • beneath the text

And then back to text to end or even a row of buttons: