The Gurnee Park District complies with the IL Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), (5ILC 140/1 et seq.)
Requests for public records should be submitted in writing to the FOIA Officer, at the Viking Park Administrative Office, 4374 Old Grand Av., Gurnee, IL 60031 (847 623-7788). Contact the FOIA Officer.
If you choose not to use the form, the following information is requested:
- Requester’s full name, address, and daytime phone number. Include email address if you would like the response sent electronically.
- A description of the records being sought, and whether the request is for inspection, copies of the records, or both.
- A list of commonly-requested documents is available for review upon request.
- The Park District shall respond to a written request for public records within five business days after receipt of the request. Day one of the five-day timeline is the first business day after the request is received by the Gurnee Park District.
- The Park District may give notice of an extension of time to respond which does not exceed an additional five business days, or a total of 10 business days from the written request, only for reasons provided in Section 3 of the FOIA (5 ILCS 140/3(e)). Notice of extension shall state the reasons why an extension is necessary.
- The Park District will respond to a request for public records in one of these ways:
1. Approve the request
2. Approve the request in part and deny in part
3. Deny the request
4. Give notice of an extension; or
5. Provide an opportunity for a conference
- Upon approval of a request for public records, the Park District may either provide the materials immediately, give notice that the materials shall be made available upon payment of copying costs, or give notice of the time and place for inspection of records. The Park District may redact information that is exempt under Section 7 (1) of the Act. The Park District may waive charges in any case where the Park District determines that the waiver serves the public interest.
- Inspection of public records will be conducted during normal business hours at the Park District administrative office. A Park District employee may be present throughout the inspection. Documents that the requester wishes to have copied shall be segregated during the course of the inspection and all copying shall be done by a Park District employee.
- Fee Schedule
1. First 50 pages of black and white letter or legal size photocopies = free
2. Additional b/w copies = $.15 each
3. CD’s = $.50 per cd
4. Oversize materials = at cost
5. Postage = at cost
- Commercial requests for information, (those that seek to use public records for sale, resale, or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services) will be handled expeditiously. However, the Park District may take up to 21 business days to respond to this type of request.
- Categorical requests that create an undue burden on the Park District shall be denied only after giving the requester an opportunity to confer with the FOIA officer in an attempt to reduce the request to manageable proportions in accordance with Section 3(g) of the FOIA.
- Any denial of a request shall be made in writing. It shall state the reasons for the denial and the names and titles of individuals responsible for the decision. It shall also inform the requester of the right to seek review from either the Illinois State Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor or from a court within 60 days of the denial. A requester, whose request has been denied, may file a “Request for Review” with the Public Access Counselor in the office of the Attorney General, not later than 60 days after the date of the final denial. This request must be made in writing and must include the requester’s signature, a copy of the request for access to records and any responses from the public body. The request is submitted to:
Public Access Bureau
500 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, IL 62706
The Public Access Counselor has 60 calendar days to respond.